Ryan Seacrest’s ex-girlfriend sues American airlines after swallowing plastic shards on flight

By | August 19, 2024

Shana Wall a Manhattan-based certified sommelier and former girlfriend of TV host Ryan Seacrest, has filed a lawsuit against American Airlines, alleging severe injuries from swallowing plastic shards in a drink she received during a flight.


Wall claims the shards caused significant damage to her throat, vocal cords, and digestive tract, leaving her bedridden and unable to work for months.


The lawsuit, filed Monday in Manhattan Supreme Court, seeks unspecified damages for the ongoing medical care Wall now requires.


The incident, which Wall says occurred on May 1, has prompted her to accuse the airline of failing in its duty to provide uncontaminated and safe beverages.


She was in a relationship with Seacrest in the early 2000s, is demanding accountability from the airline for the distress and damage she has endured.


Seacrest recently ended his relationship with 27-year-old model Aubrey Paige.


According to a lawsuit first reported by The New York Post, she alleges that she was served a beverage containing broken plastic shards, which caused severe harm to her throat, esophagus, vocal cords, and digestive system.


The suit, filed Monday in Manhattan Supreme Court, accuses American Airlines of creating a “dangerous, defective, and unsafe condition” by serving Wall a drink that was “contaminated and unfit for human consumption.”


Wall, who was traveling from John F. Kennedy International Airport, described the aftermath of the incident, stating it left her bedridden and in constant pain, with significant impacts on her quality of life and her ability to work.


The legal documents detail how Wall has suffered from a loss of enjoyment of life and economic losses due to her incapacitation, including ongoing medical expenses.

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