Naruto Live-Action Movie Gains Momentum

By | December 2, 2023

Welcome to the era of adaptations, where one particular live-action gem from the anime/manga realm has lingered in our thoughts for an astonishing period. The buzz around a live-action Naruto movie initially surfaced in 2015, with Lionsgate negotiating the film rights and Michael Gracey set to direct. However, the journey since then has been a slow burn, leaving fans in suspense. Fast forward over eight years, and hooray, the Naruto live-action extravaganza is showing signs of life, now with the talented writer Tasha Huo onboard.


Tasha, fresh from wrapping up work on Lara Croft and gearing up for the Red Sonja film, tantalizes fans with the promise of her creative touch on the Naruto adaptation. While details about the live-action Naruto movie remain elusive, the mere fact that Tasha Huo is at the writing helm signals a potential burst of momentum. After a prolonged silence, this nugget of news is akin to a ninja finally emerging from the shadows.

As of now, the Naruto live-action venture lacks a concrete release date, and it’s way too early to dive into the exciting realm of casting revelations. Yet, the prospect of dream casting lists is ripe for exploration among fervent fans. Let the speculation run wild while we await more tidbits about this highly-anticipated adaptation. Stay tuned for ninja-worthy updates, because the age of the adaptation is about to infuse the beloved Naruto universe with a live-action twist!


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